Saturday, September 30, 2006

Help! Anyone know what this is? It looks like some kind of phlox, that is the leaves do, but the flower almost looks like a goldenrod! I remember getting some Wedding Phlox from Spring Hill this spring, but they were in pathetic shape and nothing came up as far as I knew. Now, these puppies just sprouted up in the last few weeks! The pics were taken at sundown and not very good, but does anyone have any ideas?


OldRoses said...

Definitely looks like goldenrod to me! Call the company and ask for replacements for the phlox and enjoy the goldenrod. It attracts beneficial insects to your garden. I have some courtesy of the birds.

gardenmomma (Chris) said...

Thanks, it's fully in bloom today and I think you're right. I can't believe the number of bees on it right now!

Carol Michel said...

Most definitely goldenrod, if you ask me.