Monday, January 22, 2007


What a beautiful day it is today! The sun is shining and a lot of things that were impacted in Great Ice Storm of 2007 are on the rebound. Yep, the ice did come, but it really wasn't a storm. We've had lots of rain this month...over 5 1/2 inches in just over 2 weeks. Last year at this time we just has a trace. Since we're still in a drought, this is a good thing and I'll refrain from griping about all the mud and dirty floors. :) I brought several of these hollyhocks over from the other house. This thing is huge!!! At the other house, it died down to the ground in the winter. Tells you a lot about microclimates, huh? That's a big wagon wheel behind it. The hollyhock was all droopy and looked like it was a goner 3 days ago. When it perked back up, it made my heart sing...Spring is Coming!!!


Annie in Austin said...

Hi Chris,

Do you think your Hollyhocks are Malva sylvestris 'Zebrina' like these French Hollyhocks?

That's the kind that reseeds in my garden - from seeds planted many generations ago.

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

gardenmomma (Chris) said...

Hi Annie,
YES!!! That is exactly what they are! I bought them in a little nursery in Lindale, TX several years ago. I have given voluteer plants to everyone I know. Thankyou for identifying them for me.