Sunday, April 01, 2007

The Mysterious Watering Can...

The weirdest thing happened last night. This watering can showed up on my front porch! I have been looking around for the 'perfect' watering can for the last week or two. None were just right.
The only person who knew of this hunt was my dear daughter (to my knowledge) because I drug her along on many of the excursions. I was closing down the house for the night and checking on things in the front yard. There it was, sitting on my front porch. There was no note, and though it's in excellent condition, doesn't even appear to be new. It holds two gallons of water. That waters LOTS of plants. I've checked with my gardening buddies and nobody knows anything about it. So I'll just enjoy my mysterious little (BIG!) gift!


LostRoses said...

I think the Easter bunny made an early visit or perhaps the garden fairies heard your wish? Nice-sized watering can and what a fun mystery!

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

What a lovely surprise gift! Lucky you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Garden Elves. Who knew?
Now I am going to be on the look out for the perfect watering can

Linda said...

A garden mystery, how intriguing.

David (Snappy) said...

Wow, the Garden spirits decided you needed a watering can, and left it for you.I think that would make me smile lots.Some mysteries are better unsolved i think.